
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

As If You Don't Waste Enough Time Online Already

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I suppose I'm doing myself no favors by creating yet another avenue of keeping up with our lives. I'm injecting another method for wasting what little free time I have and thereby making it hard to complain without people rolling their eyes when I say, "gosh, I'm just so busy/tired." What's more, is that I'm sure it's no secret, but I'm a pretty big doufus 90% of the time and a blog is basically guaranteeing that I'll be exposing myself to ridicule and criticism every time I pull a stunt like letting Jack take a grand dump on my cell phone after his bath.

Oh well.

I know most of you are avid readers of the baby page, or at least avid lookers-at-pictures-but-not-leavers-of-comments, but this blog will probably have a little more of the adult (*gasp* but not "adult" as in, wouldn't want to let a priest read it) and a little less of the "oh look how cute my baby is." But, let's be serious, my baby is damn cute, and I'll probably talk about him at least 50% of the time because my life consists of little else.

Distilled down, I just said this page is going to be really boring. That being the case, read at your own risk. Enjoy if you can. And welcome.


1 comment:

  1. I love that you started a blog and I'm also contemplating why we don't hang out more often seeing as your about me section could have been written about myself and I would be very very very likely to have my Jack crap on my cell phone. He's pissed on one of our dogs already so crap on a cell phone is not too far behind!


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!