
Friday, May 29, 2009

I've Been Away Awhile...

... and I might not come back full-swing for a little bit. Justin's on duty today so I've got 3 kids, 2 of whom are exactly a week old tonight, by myself for the next 28 hours for the first time EVER and I don't think "sheer untenable terror" would be too strong a term for how I feel about that. We only had one day as a family of 5 before the real world hit us hard again, and that's nowhere NEAR enough time to figure out how to nurse 2, burp 2, change 3, feed a tot, play with a tot, maintain any kind of personal hygiene, etc. OMG I'm overwhelmed. But I can figure something out.

Anyway, I'll catch up slowly over the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you'll understand!

By the way, in case anyone was wondering, Enzo had to leave us. We dropped him off at the vet for euthanasia on our way to pick up Jordan from the hospital... He took a turn downhill while I was in labor and his quality of life, even with a level of care that would have been unsustainable for Justin and I, would have been almost non-existent. It's gut-wrenching to have made the decision we did, but we will forever love our furry little practice child. RIP you fluffy, lovable, goofy douche-bag...

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwww...RIP Enzo Gallagher! Justin's standing duty with Sean tonight and I cannot even fathom having three kids under three (with 2/3 being 1 week twins). Good luck and please let me know if you need anything. P.S. Nothing's wrong with a weekly shower...;o) *hugs*


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