
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Make Room on the Mantle...

... for my newest award from Tamara whom I'm beginning to consider a good friend through her blog. It makes me happy to read and that she enjoys mine absolutely tickles me pink!
It's a little shocking to "win" these awards, considering I was the kid in elementary, middle, and high school have been my whole life, the kind of person who gets that lame "Thanks for Trying" award that really just meant I'm not good enough. (Gee, wow, way to plug my self esteem right there... *ahem*)
It's not so much the award itself that makes me happy... it's that there are people out there that I get to connect with who would, without the blogging world, remain nameless, faceless strangers in the vast world out there. And these nifty little awards make that fact so much more tangible. So while my husband makes fun of me for having a swagger to my step tonight because I've got THREE bloggy awards on my side-bar, I'm going to just smile and pass it on to keep on making those connections. Neat.
So here are the rules......To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award!
Okay to be honest, (and I'd better be!) I don't think I can give it honestly to 15 blogs. So I'll give it to some of the blogs I've been reading lately and really enjoy and if the number is less than 15, okay fine... Deal? Deal.
Amanda of Belli's Place
Alright, ladies. You're pretty fab and I am darned glad you're out there for me to read!


  1. Wowza!! Great job on the three columns, dude!! It looks awesome! Thanks for your "Honest Scrap"'s totally the thought that counts, right?!

  2. congrats on your award, and your 3 columns look great...might have to give this a try.

  3. Your new layout does look great! And congrats on your latest award. I've been enjoying reading your posts and catching up!

  4. Thanks for the love (both times, Melis!). Since I'm new to blogging/following blogs, and since you're blogs are funny/endearing/relatable, I re-gifted back to you!

  5. Congratulations on your award! You deserve it :-)

  6. Thanks for the nomination! I'm honored!


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!