
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

I have to challenge myself to take fewer pictures.  Really - I snap photos of the kids ad nauseum and I need to dial it back.  I dump my memory card at least once a day.  Maybe I just need a bigger memory card...

Anyway, my friend Kate participates in Black and White Wednesday that started over at The Long Road to China and I decided to go read that blog - it's really good! - and play along.  Join me, if you'd like!  I don't take many black and white photos... well, okay duh, I take all color photos with my DSLR and then convert them later if I want, but I don't do much in the way of editing my photos (mostly because I don't have TONS of time) but I've started recently to play with some of the curves and levels and bust out the histogram and play with exposure and contrast.  I'm.  Addicted.  That being said, I'm going to throw two photos at you because I couldn't decide which of the two I liked the most.  Check these out!

Here's the "before":

And one of Addison...


I like B&W Wednesday!  I'm totally going to step out of my comfort zone more!  AND I recognize the need to take pictures of something other than my kids.  But let's face it... if you had such perfect subjects, wouldn't you also have a camera stuffed annoyingly in their faces... you know, when you're not kissing them?

Anyway, I'm working on some Toddler Food posts... no, I haven't forgotten, and yes, I recognize that your children are depending on me!  My own Toddler hasn't been a perfect angel lately and getting him to taste my creations and test them out has been a total and complete failure so it's taken me longer than I wanted it to.  Don't worry - I'm working on stuff!

Anyway - what do you think...?  Do we like the B&W versions of the photos or the color versions better?  Help.


  1. love LOVE the photos! They look fabulous! I'm like you...always conflicted between color & B&W...or any of the other editing masks you could use. It probably doesn't help that the subjects are ridiculously adorable and the look good in any type of photo! Again...the photos look FAB! *muwah*

  2. I think they both look amazing! There is something almost whimsical about a black and white though, and I just love them.

  3. OK. Here is my newbie momtog advice. Take it or leave it. I like the one of your son the best and I would do a little highlighting on the catch lights in his eyes before you convert. But that's just me. I, like you, am still learning to play with my pictures...

  4. Beautiful pictures, and beautiful subjects!

    So...with all the awesomeness that is Melis.. you are a good photographer too!?!?

  5. Hahahaha, Kate, you're sweet. A "good" photographer? No. I get lucky. It's bound to happen. I'd replace "good" with "prolific".

  6. Oh. My. Goodness. I ADORE your photos. They are both so great! I love them in color as well as in black and white. Very nice! : ). You are a great editor! Maybe you can teach me about curves because when I try to figure that all out, I get a humungo headache! : (. Really wonderful job! And I totally see what you mean, with subjects like that, how could you NOT take their pictures constantly? They are adorable for sure!

  7. Hi Melis,

    Just wanted to pop over here and say thanks for playing along today....... your children are beautiful....and yes, I do LOVE both of these photos in black and white!!

    I had to laugh when you were saying that the editing becomes addicting....yes, it totally can suck you in!!

    I hope you don't mind, but I added your link to the most recent post. I think you inadventantly added it to last weeks. I didn't want you to miss out on new visitors, so I popped you in the Mr. Linky for todays entry!!

    Have a wonderful week....and I look forward to more black and whites!

  8. great pictures ... your son has beautiful big eyes.

  9. Cute as can be children and beautiful photography!

  10. Great pictures. Isn't all the post processing addictive. I've heard myself a few times saying 'yeah,yeah dinner's coming in....' and then getting sucked back in. (Oh btw...I do eventually feed the kiddies, in case you were concerned.)

  11. Your pictures are incredible and I'd be addicted, too, if I had such talent and beautiful subjects.


  12. Fantastic conversions, love the B&W's...

  13. Found your blog from Mckmama's community-

    The B&W pics are great! I love the conversion you used. And your subjects- ADORABLE!!

    Thanks for sharing your blog!

  14. Fantastic photos, love how they pop in B&W!
    Your children have beautiful eyes!!

  15. I'm popping over from Lisa's ~

    Your children are adorable! Love how you showed both with color and black and white.


  16. I love them all, but I think I actually like the B&W ones a little better. They both have great contrast. And you're right, can't go wrong with such cute subjects! :)

  17. In the early days of photography, photographers had no choice but to shoot in black and white, as it was the only available medium. Then, in 1936, the invention of kodachrome gave colour photography to the world.
    Black and white digital photography


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!