
Monday, February 22, 2010

A Bit of Sunshine and Some Bloggy Awards

I've recently discovered a new friend in Sonora at Twinfinity!... I started reading her blog and got totally sucked into it.  I didn't think I needed a whole lot of "specialized" support in the twin-realm... that is, I thought I was doing just fine with the support structure I had in place and didn't recognize that there are things that are specific to a twin mom and life with twins that it takes another twin mom to get.  Not that my other mom or even non-mom friends can't help me or wouldn't understand... it's just that sometimes there are feelings and issues that don't take a ton of explaining to convey when you're talking to another twin mommy.  Sonora gets it.  I get it for her... Our "Mother of Multiples"ness doesn't define us... but we can't ignore that it makes up a big part of who we are as mothers.  And it's really, really, really great to have that camaradarie when I need it.  Or even when I don't know I need it.

She passed a couple of awards on to me...

The Sunshine Award

and the Beautiful Blogger Award.

 It means a ton to me to get these from someone I've come to think of as a friend.  So thank you, Sonora!

Well, as with all blogging awards, these come with rules and stipulations and blah bitty blah blah blah.  I'm just going to do one of those "tidbits of info on Melis" posts and then, in turn, pass these bad boys on to some of my favorite blogs - old and new (to me).  Got your coffee and your mouse handy?  You're going to want to check these out:

These are the blogs that make my cup of coffee a little sweeter every day... They give me something to laugh about and something to think about, and they've got an awful lot to share.

NOW, I'll to a list of 14 random tidbits of stuff you might find interesting - one for each of the blogs I nominated...

1) I love greasy, fried, salty bar food.
2) I hail from Colorado but have never once gone skiing or snowboarding.
3) I love to write poems.  I've even published a couple.  But I'm even more bashful about those than I am about photos of myself.
4) I despise all things oral hygiene. (I mean, I do it, but I don't like it.)
5) I hoard glass jars.  I don't know why, but I'm sure that I will find something to do with them.  It's the only thing I obsessively collect... and it annoys even me.
6) I will never understand how my husband puts up with my snarky, sarcastic, never-ever-serious demeanor.
7) My new-found love for CSI: fillintheblank on Spike during the day is killing my productivity like having twins couldn't DREAM of.
8) I will never (Sorry, Kate!) shop in a Wal-Mart store again as long as I live. 
9) My favorite author is Dean Koontz.
10) I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative.  Wow, figure that one out...
11) The idea of raw eggs in anything really grosses me out so I prefer Caesar dressing from a jar or bottle.
12) If the school day gets extended by a single minute per the Government, I will home-school my children.
13) I have so my admiration for trendy, fashionable ladies like my sister, but I just can't seem to pull it off...
14) I haven't purchased new undies for myself in years.  YEARS. 

That's what I've got for ya!  If you want to check out the other awards I've received, you can find them under the "Awards" page at the top... Now, get clickin'!


  1. Thanks for the awards, girlfriend! You are too sweet. Even if you are a walmart hater. Believe me, I love them enough for the two of us.

    I have a question for you but I'll email you later.

  2. Congrats on your awards! Thanks for thinking of me :-)

    I LOVE fried, salty bar food too! Now Colorado, I would give anything to live there!!! LOVE mountains! None here in my neck of the woods, just so kinda big hills!

  3. Thanks, luv! I don't deserve either, since this blog is barely a month old, but I do appreciate it.

    And I am also a Wal-mart hater. Wait til you come up here and discover that it's the closest place to shop near your hotel. I'm glad I have PriceChopper near my dorm.

    As for #12, how about you just hire me instead? ;)

  4. Wow! Thank you for your sweet comments. That is one of the nicest compliments I have gotten. I completely agree that we are not defined by our being mother's of multiples but that it is so nice to have the support from someone in your same position.

    Seriously, some of the comments you left me gave me so much peace of mind and I have done a lot of thinking about them .

    Thanks for the support and for your own wonderful blog!

  5. Congrats and thank you! You are so sweet to think of me. I am sorry I haven't been around enough lately, but I've gotten bogged down with this new blog. Hoping to get back to my regular blog-hoppin' after this week! Thanks for sticking with me....

    Bar food - YES please! Not a Walmart fan either (love Target though!), and I am often super sarcastic (as if you hadn't noticed before). Hate raw eggs, too and if you could see in my undies drawer, you'd see tons of maternity underwear still in there. Yes, there are cute ones, too, but you don't see those on me too often anymore! ;-)

    Thanks girlie...made my day!


  6. Congratulations on your awards! Enjoyed reading the interesting things about you. I'm thinking that you should really treat yourself to some new underwear :)

  7. Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much for mine! I feel like I have been out of the loop because I have been working on some stuff on the blog...behind the has kept me from reading as much as I want to. Hopefully I will be finished SOON!
    Then I will get a plate of greasy nachos, onion rings and a tall diet coke and catch up on everything! LOL Thanks again!

  8. I love Sonora too!

    So I hate the thought of raw eggs in cesar dressing too, but I will eat raw cookie dough. Hmmm. Not sure what that means for me.

  9. Congratulations, Hotness! Thank you for the awards. I'm in a slump this week since I caught the kids' colds. I'll get around to it soon! I was in the middle of putting pages up on my blog too...but, keeping up with my tradition of procrastination...still have to get around to it! Anyhoo...hope y'all are safe this week and the weather cooperates with your trip back down.

    Our H&F was postponed, so hope to see you there!


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!