
Monday, March 15, 2010

Mom 'n Me Monday

Julie over at The Peanut Gallery is trying to insist this isn't a meme, but I'm pretty sure it actually is.  Even if it's not, it's a really cool thing for us to try.  By "us" I mean: anyone with kids, a camera and a blog. 

BWS tips button

We take lots of pictures (too many, in my case) but are in very, very few.  And maybe that's fine.  I'm happy in my comfort zone behind the lens... but will I regret not busting out of that mold more often later down the road when my kids are grown and all I've got are memories and photographs, and if the first fails, just photographs?  Yeah, I probably will.  Of course now I look at pictures of me with the kids and critique the bags under my eyes and wonder why my mascara is clumped or think I look pudgy or have a weird smile.  I want to crop myself out and focus on the cute babies.

But one of these days, I know that those photographs - no matter how tired or frumpy I look - will mean the world to me. 

So I'm going to challenge myself to be on the other side of the camera more often.  At least once a week, even.  For Mommy and Me Mondays. 

Admittedly, this week is a bit of a cheat.  It's a picture of Jack and me on his third birthday, just before bed.  I think it's in another post, but I didn't have a chance to get my act together with the camera this week or have my hubby help me out.  So I grabbed something meaningful, even if it isn't new. It isn't the best photo - it's impromptu at the end of a looooooooong day in the middle of a hectic vacation in a hotel with less than gorgeous lighting and a less than gorgeous couch in the background, but you know what? I was right where I wanted to be in that moment and those smiles are as real as they get.

I'm also going to really try to take more pictures of the kids with their Daddy, but that's more a function of number of hours in a day since his work schedule is so demanding and when he gets home, no one is really in the, "Oooh, take my picture!" mood (except Jack who is always in that mood) and Hubs doesn't love having pictures of him in uniform splashed across the internet.  So I'll work on it.  He's easier on the eyes than me anyway.


  1. I cannot get pictures of the girls with their father for the life of me. It's too difficult...he hates getting his pic taken and it errrrks me!

    You guys look darrrrling ;)

  2. You should give yourself more credit. You look beautiful in this picture! I'm not just saying that either. I had to use an older picture too. Next week I will try and get a more current one.

    I so know what you mean about cropping myself out of pictures to focus on the cute babies. I am so critical of myself in pictures too. Of course, most of them are taken at night after a day of chasing children, because that is when my husband is home.

    This is a good challenge to get some good pictures and I think we will be glad we have them when we are older too.

  3. great! look about 19! And I'm thinking it is looking like a MEME. ;) I was trying to make it as simple as possible, hence the button linked directly to Mom n' Me's!! But don't hold me to it every single Monday! Committment scares me. wink wink

    Ya know, I had my husband take my pics this week. It took all of 5 minutes (or less) but as I was looking at them, I was struck by how much I would treasure them.

    Thanks for playing along. We're bottling memories here! he he

  4. cute picture! it isn't easy getting pictures of ourselves! I had set the timer for mine last fall. :)

  5. You are so pretty and that is a wonderful photo!

  6. Girl, give yourself more credit. You are gorgeous!! I love how happy you look in the pic...and so does Jack of course.

  7. You definitely do not give yourself enough credit. You're beautiful, and this is a great picture. Looking forward to more :)

  8. Love, love it! We need to see yer purdy face more often!! On a side note...y'all don't have much more time of Justin having to wear a uniform to work!! Woohoo!!


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