
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

Check out these beautiful blossoms! They're just the way I prefer my spring flowers: preserved as a photograph, pollen-free!

I mean, I love spring and all, but this year Mother Nature decided her World looked better with a coat or two of yellow paint and consequently my eyes, nose and throat are rebelling against me in every way imaginable.  It's lovely, but I'm ready to sink my teeth into summer.

So what do you think of the editing? I used Lightroom 2 and realized that I could spend an hour or more on a single picture so I stopped and that's the result.

Anyway, play along with everyone at The Long Road to China!


  1. oh, that is a beautiful picture! :) And I like my flowers like that, too!

  2. Lovely!! I love the tiny hint of color in there.

    I too can get carried away and find myself on Lightroom for a LONG time! :)

  3. It's gorgeous! Did you buy lightroom, or download the trial? Ugh...I don't think I could spend that long on it, because I don't know what I am doing!

  4. This is a gorgeous photo! I know what you mean about spending forever on one photo. It is amazing the things you can do in Lightroom.
    I am right there with you on the allergies. Unfortunately most of my kids have them too. Stupid allergies!

  5. So pretty! I meant to get out and take some photos while the blossoms were there but waited too long. Who knew they only lasted a few days.

    But you've captured yours forever! Love the little hint of color too.

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. So beautiful. Love it in black and white!

  7. those that is a gorgeous photo!
    An Az Mom

  8. I love, love, love this picture!

    You are so talented!

  9. I love this image! It is amazing. From one allergy girl to another...I feel your pain!

    Awesome picture. So pretty!

  10. Beautiful!
    (Just popping in from BlogFrog, but had to comment :)

  11. Wonderful picture! Also, I totally feel you as far as allergies go- this year has been the worst.

  12. I have been reading, but I haven't left you a comment in forever! So sorry! I love that picture- you really are doing a beautiful job with your black and whites and your editing.
    Hope you are feeling better, and are you guys ready to move soon?? Keep us updated on all the life changes- hope they go smoothly.


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!