
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

This is my beautiful little girl, Jordan.  Somewhere along the line during her 12 months of life, she's developed into a stunning child with a sweet temperament, bright personality and inquisitive mind.  She's always been strong-willed and she's always made her presence known.  But she has really, really, truly become a delight.  She is so curious and so eager to learn and play... When she had reflux, there were days when she cried more than she didn't and I was convinced the only thing that would help was an exorcist.  There were moments when I felt utter despair because I was convinced she didn't love me.  Now I recognize that my sweet Jobug was just in pain and there was nothing I could have done.

Which makes this time so much more refreshing and makes my heart ache with love even more than I thought possible.

I no longer worry that she doesn't love me - how can I when she scoots over to me and grabs my face and plants an open-mouth Jordan smooch on my nose?  How can I when she buries her petal-soft face into my neck and sighs contentedly just before I place her in the crib at night? 

She chases her big brother with zest and gusto, climbing to heights she shouldn't be able to reach, but getting there through ingenuity and determination.  She feeds snacks to her sister with a patience and kindness usually reserved for (and seldom achieved by) much older people.  She offers smiles to strangers willingly and without judgment, and she wakes up each morning with an energy that is infectious and inspires me to see the world as she does: a fun, friendly place with treasures beneath each rock and behind each door.

Love you so much, Jobug! (And I forgive you for needing a forceps delivery, even though I'm still feelin' that one...)

See more beautiful black and whites with Lisa at The Long Road to China...

...and don't judge me for using the colorizing effect again... It's super fun and I'm so glad my friend Amy inspired me to give it a shot!


  1. I love JoBuggie too!!! Then again, I also love AddieBug & JackBuggie too...;o) Love the photo and the description...perfect! Diggin' the copyright too...;o) Miss you all and hope all is well!

  2. What a beautiful shot. You can just see the "life" in her eyes!!

    And can I just say...reflux sux! ;) I hear ya on robbed me of enjoying three of my children's first few months.

    So glad those times are behind you and you are getting to know the little girl behind the reflux!;)

  3. She is absolutely gorgeous, Melis! I love how crisp and clear this photo is, and the touch of colour is absolute perfection.

  4. Such a sweet baby girl you have. And a really awesome picture!

    I've never been through reflux with any of my kids but I can tell it's no fun what so ever! Ouch on the forceps!

  5. breathtaking. Your kids are precious.

  6. Oh that face! As soon as I saw her eyes, I thought "strong-willed." I recognize the look! What a cutie. You did a good job with the splash of pink.

  7. Beautiful girl and beautiful photo! I absolutely love it. Great writing as well, open mouthed baby kisses are the best.

  8. She is so beautiful!! Love that big flower in her hair.......adorable!


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