
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

You know, when I look at my husband, the father of my children, my best friend, I can't help but marvel at how stinking lucky I got. 
He's such a tender and loving father... and he's such a caring husband.  And he's a ton of fun to be around.  I am just blessed... and so are my children.  I think if I can claim credit for giving them nothing else, I'll always be proud to have given them Justin as their Daddy. 

...Well, actually, I guess I should say instead that I'll always be grateful to have been given Justin as their Daddy... Because, truthfully, I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

There are other great black and white shots (who doesn't love black and white?) over at Lisa's blog... check them out!


  1. such lovely photographs, the second one especially

  2. sweet pictures! I agree with you, it is so nice to have a loving, caring husband and father.

  3. That second shot is so precious! You're a lucky gal for sure!

  4. Isn't it nice to know you picked well? Sounds like he did, too...

    Love the holding hands shot!

  5. Amen on the stinkin' lucky thing. I feel the same way!

    Super cute pic.

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. Beautiful and the soft edges on the first shot!

  7. Oh my goodness! Your pictures made me so teary!!

  8. Wow, what sweet photographs! The B&W conversion is great too. I love to see touching moments in B&W or sepia for some reason. :)

  9. Wow...these are just precious & I love your thoughts to go along with it. You said it perfectly.


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