
Friday, August 20, 2010

Ya Know...

I have absolutely nothing to post. 

Wow - that's a heck of an opening line, right?  Talk about grabbing your attention, eh?  High school English teachers the nation over are clutching their hearts, aghast at my utter dearth of creativity.

I've just been feeling really blah

The girls are teething up a storm so I don't have any cute pictures of their faces because they've donned permanent scowls and established "whine" as their primary language.  We've been spending a ton of time outside at parks and walking on nature trails and looking at land to buy in the area, which only compounds the girls' general bitchiness since they love nature about as much as I love scraping corn-y poo out of cloth diapers. 

And don't even get me started on the state of my house.  I essentially gave up on cleaning after this hot mess, but my dad is coming to visit for the first time in FIVE years, so I'd like to put up this front of "having it all together" for at least the first few minutes of his visit.  HOWEVER, teethy/whiny/snarky/screechy/butt-crawly-upy kids are not making that possible.  In fact, right now, I'm icing my hand because I was so angry with the fact that I vacuumed, paused to change a diaper, and came out of the girls' room to discover that the other two had discovered how to take the thingy out of the vacuum cleaner and were working on replacing the filth on the floor (where it clearly belongs) that I ended up shutting myself in my room and punching a pillow, only to miss the pillow about 3 swings in and crush my knuckle on the bedpost. 


So I have a ton of pictures in my August folder of random patches of land...

...and of Addie hating the Great Outdoors...

...and of the back of Jordan because I'm often afraid to look her in the eye when she's in a Mood for fear of being turned to stone.

I mean, I love my kids.  But woah - these last few days have been challenging. 

Anyway, here's to the weekend (and maybe 10 minutes of peace... dare I hope?) - hope yours is great!


  1. How about "Here's the weekend and BIG glass of red wine to go along with it!" ~ Hang in there Mama! Tomorrow's a new day!

  2. Ugh, I'm feeling all guilty here with no corny-poo diapers and the dirt inside of the vacuum bag. You deserve a break, or at least a cocktail!

  3. I'm glad you can find humor in teething. I can't find much humor in teething or whining at any time. I admire your candid writing and really hope the weekend proves to be wonderful for you all! Get those teeth in and give mama a break girls!!! =)

  4. I read this and say "Thank GOD I'm not alone" Thank you for being so open. Some days I feel like crying because I just can't control the anger that wells up inside. You are a great mom, dealing with the life that so many of the rest of us SAHMs deal with, and receiving the a** kicking that comes along with a house full of toddlers. I second the glass of wine idea, and send you bigs hugs, from another Mom in the same boat!

  5. Oh geez, I wish I didn't know what you mean, but I do. You can always tell when I am having a really hard time by how little I blog (both in posting and commenting). It is so incredibly difficult to be a SAHM sometimes and I really think twins compound that problem. I'm sorry things are so hard right now. Too bad we don't live closer to eachother so we could let our cranky twins teeth together and we could laugh off the stress. Hang in there!!!!


I'd love to hear from you - it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself... So drop me a message and let me know what you think! Thanks!