
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Building A Life Together

When Justin and I realized we were going to be building a life together, we committed to that with every fiber of our souls.  We've done well so far, I think - as nearly every memory we've got for the last 10 years is shared between the two of us.  For the last four years, we've been building a family, and it is about to grow again to include our fourth baby.  And now, in what seems like it is, for us, the next logical step, we are building a house for our family.

So we can build our roots. 

So we can build our future.

And we are so, SO grateful that we've built a foundation that is enabling us to do this at all.

It has been a long, arduous process of searching for land, searching for a floor plan, examining options, weighing outcomes, budgeting, discussing, laughing, crying, getting lost in strange places with no street signs and no GPS signal, and many, many, many hours on the phone.  We're not done with the hard work and hours of clipping coupons to save as much as we can, and making decision and devoting time to meeting with the team we've chosen.

But the experience?  It has been, ultimately, an enormous reward.  And now that we've broken ground, the children are reaping the benefits of our choice as well in the form of getting to play in the half acre of dirt we've got all dug up for the foundation and yard, in getting to watch the excavators at work, in spending time in a serene setting outdoors knowing we're safe and that it is ours.  They'll watch their home grow from nothing and it will mean so much more to them years from now to know that this has, from the very beginning, been for them - for us - and that we all made it happen... we made it happen for ourselves.  And hopefully, this littlest Gallagher will come home to us and this will be the only home he knows.  I can't imagine much that feels better than seeing a physical manifestation of years of sacrifice and hard work take shape before our eyes.

And you know what? I'm super excited to share the journey! 


  1. YAY!! I've been waiting for a post about your house-to-be! I am so excited for you, and I'm sure this will be quite the adventure :) I can't wait to see the progress, it is so rewarding to have a HOME. I also can't wait to send a Christmas card (if not this year, then next) to your new address!

  2. This is so exciting! You must keep us updated on the progress with lots of pictures. What a fun playspot for the kids while it is underway.

  3. WOW!! I am so excited for YOU to share this journey! I'll live vicariously through you...I've always wanted to build a house!

    And, holy beautiful property!!

  4. No matter what anyone else tells you it IS a FUN process, stressful but fun. We build 4 years ago and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing every little stage. I was anxious but the first night we stayed there, it just felt like HOME. Looking forward to reading and seeing the progress. The land and view are beautiful. Love East Tennesse in the fall.

    Looks like the children have enjoyed the process as well. Children + Dirt/Rocks = A break for mom!!

  5. Seriously SO excited for you all! I can't wait to see every step of the process. Love the dirt pictures, my kids would love to get their hands on that much dirt!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is amazing for you guys- and those pictures of the kids in the bulldozer are hilarious;)
    Also...are those E's clothes? SO CUTE- I'm so glad they are being put to good use!! The girls look adorable:)
    Miss you and hope all is well!

  7. Umm...the littlest Gallagher is a BOY!? Did I mis-read?

    Great piece of land you have there - can't wait to see you house grow :-)

    Belly pic please.

    The End.

  8. I have always wanted to build a house. Enjoy the journey!

    By the way, You won my Hair Clippy Giveaway! Woo Hoo! Congratulations!

  9. Wow!! So very excited for you! Do you have neighbors?? Looks like you have lots of space! Seriously...when we took the plunge and moved to the country life as we knew it ceased! Within days my children were happier, free, louder, dirtier...and did I mention busy! I just could believe the difference living in the country made on our family life!!

    And YES!! Do buy chickens. They are the one pet that I've never regretted having!! Seriously...and they give us lovely gifts every day...eggs..and poop on the deck! I wouldn't have it any other way!!

  10. I'm a bit behind the times, as usual.

    I'm really excited for you...and a little envious too. What an amazing experience to build your own home. Guess that means you won't be moving to these parts anytime soon ;)


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