Her theme this week is "Toys of Yesterday"... and she said it just had to be something that I've held on to from my childhood.... Well, that was pretty tricky for me. I'm uh, the total opposite of a pack-rat. I throw stuff away that I probably shouldn't. I'm anti-clutter. I'm anti-knick-nack. I pride myself on the amount of bare horizontal surfaces in my home. I designate areas for my hubby's clutter and impress upon him that items found outside his "crap zone" are going in the garbage.
That being said, I hang on to NOTHING... especially having moved as many times as we have; I just don't have room in my life for useless, lead-painted stuff I had as a child. And, let's face it, nothing I had was so valuable to me that I'd haul it around with me - just my memories, my relationships. The things I treasure most are the things I can't bring with me - like my family.
But I did spot one thing - ONE thing in my life now that came from my old life: my old baby blanket. I realized it's on Jack's bed now, wrapped around the headboard so he doesn't bonk his noggin in the middle of the night. Before, it hung over the rail we used to keep him from falling out, and even before then, it hung on the side of his crib to block out distractions. My Great-Aunt Lois made it. It's a chunk of my childhood that only found its way into our lives because it serves a function now. And I wouldn't have even paid it a bit of attention without Amy making me look hard.
That's my little 11-month old Jack poking his sleepy little head out of his crib a few states and a couple years ago... I love that kid and I'm glad he's got a little piece of my history so close to him.
I mean, I thought about doing something like Legos (I mean, what kid DIDN'T have Legos?!) or Chutes and Ladders, but neither of those things were actually MINE and they didn't have any particular significance to me and who I am. And I got the impression that the big point of this week was to see a little bit of yesterday.
So join in - it's really lots of fun and it's enjoyable to have a theme that makes ya think a little.

Love that it's purple!
Well done. Again. Your talents are endless it seems ;-)
Such a sweet post!! Love the color splash.
Well, purple is my favorite color so I instantly fell in love with this picture!! I am thinking of taking a photography or reading up more on Photoshop so I can learn how to do all this fun stuff...I am the worst picture taker EVER, but I am coming to the realization that I really enjoy doing it!!
Thanks for swinging by my blog! I am really looking forward to getting to know you better since we are in the same boat!!
So, at first I was like "Who is that baby???" I guess with us being on opposite crews, I never got to see the mini-version of big boy Jack. Love the post!
So, at first I was like "Who is that baby???" I guess with us being on opposite crews, I never got to see the mini-version of big boy Jack. Love the post!
What a cute pictuer, Love how your blanket gets used for your baby. I only have an old teddy here and it is with the kids toys in a box...
Cute photo! I love that Jack's eyes are the focus, despite the blanket being colors.
How sweet that you still have your blanket. It actually looks like it is still in good shape!
Very cute picture. I love the twinkle in your little one's eyes!
I wish I had some of your anti-clutterness. I know that's not a word. But I'm declaring it one tonight! I am anti-clutter on the inside screaming to break free from my clutter inundated home!
Cutest picture ever. Oh, and all that's left of the blanket I used (more like abused) are a few scraps.
I find myself trying to imaging the clear horizontal surface thing. I'm not sure I have one. This summer I have been trying to get rid of stuff because its like you said, who needs it? I'm just a pack rat, so I am starting with the easy stuff: clothes and shoes and toys. I need a 12 step program, I'm not kidding!
The picture is great, but it's the story that got me, obviously. :)
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