Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Millions of Peaches...

... Peaches for baby!

Usually I like to use this method for peaches, but I can't find for the life of me, any fresh peaches up here right now.  I'm not going to stop hunting.  They are a billion times better tasting (though not any healthier!) than the frozen peaches I had to settle for.  So, I end up using this method instead:

I just steam some frozen peaches the same way I did my peas and beans etc. except I don't strain (as I do peas) afterward and I actually reserve the liquid in the bottom of the pan and freeze it as cubes on its own to mix with cereal or to cool down other food that's gotten too hot or to give in a sippy cup to ease constipation.

It's easy!





Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

It's awesome that you make your own baby food!

Kate said...

I love me some peaches.

Shannon K. said...

You rock the house with the baby food making! Seriously.

Tanya said...

Dude...you could so drizzle that on top of ice cream...whaaaaaaaaaaaat.


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